theatrics at mansfield park

Created and directed by Joan Bryans

Inspired by the Austens who regularly put on entertainments for their family and friends to brighten the dark winter days, you will be welcomed into the warmth – of a blazing fire, a hot drink, and above all of the wit and cheer of the entertainment themselves.   Join the Austen family as they entertain you with music, song, poetry, and a theatrical – this one based on the work of Jane’s Mansfield Park:

Meet the Bertram family. While father is away the play’s the thing. Behind the guise of theatricals romance, temptation and indecorum reign.  Will Edmund, with Fanny Price’s help,  win the battle against such goings on or will he succumb to the oh-so-tempting Miss Mary Crawford?

Review: by "Review Vancouver" Redwire Magazine


Samuel B. Barnes - Harrids/Edmund
Susan Dalton - Cassandra Fanny
Julie Farr - Maid/AMS
James Gill - Edgerton/Rushworth
Frances Herzer - Philadelphia/Lady Bertram
Katherine Hill - Jane/Maria
Melissa Oei - Eliza/Mary
John-David Papp - James/Henry
Tony Rein - Edward/Yates
Diana Sandberg - Mrs. Austen/Mrs. Norris
Melody Schaal - Elizabeth Bigg/Julia
Paul Toolan - Mr. Austen/Sir B./Carpenter
Daniel Unruh - Francis/Tom


production Team

Assistant Director: Frances Herzer
Musical Director: Pat Unruh
Sound design: Darren W. Hales
Costume Design: Catherine Carr
Lighting Design: Mimi Abrahams
Stage Manager: John Megella
Assistant Stage Manager: Julie Farr
Graphic Design/Website: Sandi McDonald
Set Co-ordinator: Joe Belanger
Photographer: Doug Williams